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"You do not owe it to yourself to achieve stuff, but you owe it to others who don't have a winning lottery ticket to cash on from and would do anything to have it"

Our achievement and goals were not built in a days handwork, it took months and years to achieve them. And no doubt handwork was the main reason behind success. But there was something more to it.

It was our attitude or perspective of life that helped us to achieve more in life and get unexpected opportuniites. It was not just luck that you happened to be at right place at the right time. It took was summation of lot of moment when you knew that you are not going to achieve but giving it a little more try, failing to give up even if the loss was imminent, and learning from losing and coming back stronger.

It was difficult, hell awfully difficult. Those last moments when knowing this is what needs to be done to achieve but giving up was a tempting option.

But we have all gone past those moments by pulling ourself together and keeping the focus on the goal.

What paid you off was your attitude and your perspective of life, and the saddest part is it was never taught to us nor valued. We were told winning is very good, with no way how to achieve it. Perspective and attitude is not something which you sit and just develop it all at once, you plant seeds little by little amount daily, give it proper water and soon you could enjoy the fruit.

Keeping this in mind, I am also going to blog about small tips and hacks for life which will change your perspective and attitude in much subtler way leading to a if not best a better life.

Happy Living!

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  1. The problem is that the definition of success depends upon what others consider success and in most cases it is achieving materialistic gains. But one should define his own success his own way.
