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Stop feeling Incompetent: Achieve Freedom from frustration!

At least one time in your life you must have felt the feeling of being incompetent. The feeling that you are not performing at your best, that you can do much more than that, that you can be better than this. For some its a feeling that they deal with on a daily basis, with whatever you would ending being fed up. That frustration!

The response of some of the people to this situation is to retreat in there safe zone called as the comfort zone. This sure is a defensive measure but would surely miss you a lot of opportunity to grow and learn and valuable experience which can be gained by trying new things of uncertainty maybe lost.

So ruling the comfort zone solution out, leaves us one solution which keeps us competent, learning and growing and yet at the same time feeling adequate.

The solution is not a magic pill that once you know it you are done, Its something you need to follow at every thing you do and every decision you make. It requires 'DISCIPLINE', a word that many hate but without it things cannot be achieved.

So all the things made clear here is the only quote you need to follow:

                                      "Try not be the best, but do your best"

Don't just read the quote analyse the quote to its depth.
       The frustration results from not being able to be the best in your peer group, association or wherever you are. The truth is being the best in the group is not in our hand, there are lot of factors involved and many a times its simply depends on the members of the group.
      But what is in over hand is to do our best, to simply do our best.

No matter what activity you want to do let it be sport, studying, accomplishing targets, business, entrepreneurship no matter what it might be, follow the rule of doing your best and I can guarantee it will never let you down.

Hope this article helps to achieve the things you desire, remember this rule and follow it with discipline. As discipline is like filing a metal with each subsequent stroke its get easier paving a way for the next stroke.

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